Monday, January 23, 2012

Choc Chip Cookies

Bahan A:
150g butter
150g gula ising or kastor (saya guna 125g je)
1 biji kuning telur
1 tsp esen vanila

Bahan B:
*1 cwn choc chip
*1 cwn badam cincang
*2 cwn cornflakes (dihancur kasar)
*Gaul rata

Diayak bersama:
1 1/2 cwn tepung naik sendri
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bikabonat soda
1/2 tsp garam halus

Pukul adunan A hgga kembang (saya guna whisk je)
Masuk telur n esen vanila. pukul rata...
Tuang bahan2 yg diayak.
Masuk bahan B sikit2. gaul rata.
Jemput adunan dgn garfu (saya guna tgn je...ambik dan letak. jgn bentukkan dia. biar mcm tu je.
Bakar dgn suhu 175 darjah Celsius higga masak. agak2 25 minit or lebih.
* ada org suka coklat sikit, so bubuhlah koko powder sikit. saya tak bubuh pun. adunan akan kembang, so jarakkan bila membakar.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the nfo Catherine. My blog is actually and online recipe collections for my future reference as I could not be bothered to keep the recipes in the folders. They take most f my book shelves as well as difficult to search certain recipes when I need it the most. I do sometimes share my recipes with my friends when ever I can. Will definitely have a look at the site. Yeah, easy, simple and healthy recipes are what I am looking for in cooking. Thanks for the comment.
