Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kek Gula Hangus


  • 1 cawan gula pasir
  • 1 cawan air panas
  • 2 camca besar mentega
  • 1 cawan susu pekat manis
  • 1 cawan tepung gandum*
  • 2 camca teh soda bicarbonata*(*digaul dan diayak)
  • 4 biji telur
  • 1/2 camca teh esen vanilla


  1. Masukkan gula pasir dalam periuk, masak hingga gula cair dan menjadi perang, tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis, kacau rata (berhati2, sebab masa tuang air, gula tadi akan memercik). Masukkan mentega, kacau hingga cair dan sejukkan.
  2. Putar telur hingga kembang dan pekat, masukkan susu pekat manis, kacau rata. Masukkan tepung, kacau rata dan akhir sekali masukkan no. 1 dan juga esen vanilla. Gaul rata dan perap adunan 2 - 3 jam.
  3. Tuang dalam tin yang telah dilenser dengan mentega dan alas dasar tin (mat guna tin 8 x 6 x 3 inci) dengan aluminium foil, lenser juga aluminium tadi, bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 170C selama 1 jam atau hingga masak, bergantung pada oven masing. Sejukkan sebelum dipotong...

Courtesy from:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Eton Mess


  •  6 oz (175 g) golden caster sugar
  •  3 large egg whites
  •  1 lb (450 g) fresh strawberries, hulled
  •  1 rounded tablespoon unrefined icing sugar
  •  1 pint (570 ml) double cream
  •  Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 2, 300°F (150°C).

  1. First, have the caster sugar measured out ready, then place the egg whites in a scrupulously clean bowl and whisk until they form soft peaks that slightly tip over when you lift the whisk. 
  2. Next, add the caster sugar, about a tablespoon at a time, and continue to whisk until each tablespoon of sugar has been thoroughly whisked in.
  3. Now simply take rounded dessertspoonfuls of the mixture and place them in rows on the lined baking tray. 
  4. Place the baking tray in the oven on the centre shelf, turn the heat down to gas mark 1, 275°F (140°C) and leave the meringues there for 1 hour. 
  5. After that, turn the oven off and leave the meringues in the oven to dry out overnight, or until the oven is completely cold. 
  6. When you're ready to make the pudding, chop half the strawberries and place them in a blender together with the icing sugar. 
  7. Whiz the whole lot to a purée, then pass it through a nylon sieve to remove the seeds.
  8. Now chop the rest of the strawberries and whip up the double cream to the floppy stage. 
  9. All the above can be done in advance, but when you are ready to serve, break up the meringues into roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) pieces, place them in a large mixing bowl, add the chopped strawberries, then fold the cream in and around them. 
  10. After that, gently fold in all but about 2 tablespoons of the purée to give a marbled effect. 
  11. Finally, pile the whole lot into a serving dish, spoon the rest of the purée over the surface and serve as soon as possible.


Kuih Bakar Pandan

Bahan- Bahan (Ingredients):
1 cawan gula/ 1 cup of sugar
1 cawan jus pandan/ 1 cup of Pandan Juice
2 cawan tepung gandum/ 2 cups of flour
2 1/4 cawan santan (atau 1 tin santan = 450ml) / 2 1/2 cup of coconut milk (450ml)
2 sudu besar mentega/ 2 tbsp Butter
3 biji telor/ 3 eggs
1/2 sudu teh garam/ 1/2 tsp salt
pewarna hijau/ Green colouring
bijan/ Sesame seeds

Cara-Cara (Methods):-

  • Campurkan kesemua bahan dan blend sampai sebati/ Mix all the ingredients in the blender and blend them altogether.
  • Masukkan 2 sudu teh minyak dalam loyang dan oleskan rata/ put oil in the cake pan.
  • Panaskan loyang dalam oven sebentar. Bila minyak telah panas, masukkan adunan tadi/ Heat up the pan in the oven first till the oil gets hot. Put the ingredient in once the pan is hot.
  • Taburkan bijan dan bakar pada suhu 180 C sampai kuning/garing (selama 1 jam 15 minit, kalau nak garing lagi guna api atas dlm 5 minit terakhir)/ Sprinkle the sesame seeds on top and bake for an hour and 15 mins with 180C.